The Capetonian - first release.
The Capetonian imagines the beautiful city of Cape Town as a magazine, filled with wonders to discover. And like every magazine, the cover tells the story. By collecting the covers from illustrators, artists and designers inspired by Cape Town, we present it to the world to be discovered, and re-discovered, at a time when the world could all use a momentary escape, or a glimpse of home. Every month we will release new artworks - and ever sale goes towards raising money for Siyaphambili Orphan Village in Cape Town.
You can buy artworks, or help with the cause, at  
If you're interested in contributing an artwork - send me a message!
The Capetonian Edition 1 - 'Boulders' by Xee Summer
The Capetonian Edition 2 - 'Just Nuisance' by Krikill
The Capetonian Edition 3 - 'Muizenberg' by Mayer Mustafa
The Capetonian Edition 4 - 'Table Mountain' by Kelelowor
The Capetonian Edition 5 - 'The Unfinished Bridge' by Azure Prince
The Capetonian Edition 6 - 'Lolly to Make You Jolly' by Stratos Efstathiou
The Capetonian Edition 7 - 'Bo-Kaap' by Pinkie Wilson
Thanks for checking us out! If you're interested in contributing an artwork - send me a message - or visit
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